Amidst production of our first color-ways of travel boards, we discovered Venice Backgammon Club. Co-founded by Curt Pittman, Claire Erwin, and Kevin Rousso, this local Cali club is exactly our cup of tea. They meet weekly/bi-weekly around the Venice / Santa Monica area, with a goal to create a community of backgammon enthusiasts and novices alike.
What better way for us to launch our product than to co-host a holiday event and tournament. On December 7th at 7PM we will be soft-launching our first 5 color-ways at Firestone Walker Propagator (3205 Washington Blvd.) Join us for a beer, first access to our boards, or simply stop by to learn how to play as we will be hosting a how-to table during the tournament.
They also have a membership program, where members can get exclusive access to VIP events, tournaments, and more. To Apply for a membership, or to check out their next meetup, click here.